Monday, June 8, 2009
out of the mouths of babes...again
Liam: Hey mom? Ya know how sometimes we see like a video or something of a bird runnin' into a window or something..and it's on the funniest home videos show? And we laugh and stuff?!
Me: um...yeah...
Liam: well, I think that is so funny...but when I see a dead bird it makes me sad.
Me: (thinking awwww....what a sensitive kid...) Yeah bud. Whenever something or someone dies, it usually makes us sad for a bit. Death is a pretty sad thing.
Liam: If Dad ever died, I would be REALLY sa...noooo...I would just dig a hole and live with him. (big sigh...)
That was the best "i love you" I've ever heard from a thoughtful 6yo!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Simple moments...

Yesterday in between all of the running around, we found about an hour to stop at the city park and "fish". I use quotations because, I really don't think there are many fish in this pond...and I don't think either of my boys kept their lines quiet/still long enough to catch anything...and there was way too much activity for any serious fishing to happen...but to my 6 and 9 yo sons, "Mom took us fishing!!" I pulled out my lawn chair and baited hooks and fixed reels and watched the ducks. It was no big deal...but it was HUGE at the same time!
Friday, May 29, 2009
out of the mouths of babes...
***when Bren wanted to go swimming and was trying to convince me he was ok!***
Me: Brennan are you sure you don't feel sick?
Bren: I feel like I could run a thousand miles, Mom!
***when Liam was trying to convince me of the same thing***
Me: Li do you feel sick?
Li: No I don't feel sick at all.
Me: Does your belly hurt?
Li: No. Not at all
Me: Did you tell Cheryl that your belly hurt?
Li: Yes. It did. But only for a little bit. Now it doesn't hurt. I don't feel sick. I just feel regular body! :)
Nothing heart-stopping or newsworthy...but they were funny Mommy moments for ME!
I'll post more as they happen!
Have a nice weekend...and cherish what comes "out of the mouths of YOUR babes"!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday night we went to the “Feast of the Flowering Moon” which is our local version of the town fair! It was a lot of fun and we couldn’t walk 10 feet without running into friends and chatting for a bit! I love summer in Ohio!
For those of you not in Ohio, let me explain our unique summer fun setup!! Each town in Ohio has a summer festival of some sort…celebrating something completely random and stupid…
a fruit (like the apple festival in Jackson),
a vegetable (like the Circleville pumpkin show),
a snack (like the Marion Popcorn Festival),
a time period (like South Bloomfield’s Old Time Days),
or even a home appliance/bluegrass musical instrument (like the Logan Washboard Festival)!
As a family, you can literally travel EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND from Memorial Day thru Labor Day and find free entertainment, lots of rides, and tons of fattening food!
Saturday was a looooong, but fun day with ups and downs…had breakfast at the local family restaurant!

Then drove to Cincy for a couple of shows…with a van full of kids ready to hardcore dance!!!

Sound checked and played at Git R Done Fest

Then it was off to the Battle of the Bands for Ichthus…where the fans came out both young and old!

We didn’t win the battle, but Liam and Brennan won door prizes! Liam won a Fender acoustic guitar and Brennan won 2 $118 tickets to Ichthus! GO MCNEALS!!! Woot Woot!!!!
Sunday Night after youth, the teens decided they wanted to have a sleepover at our house…last minute!16 people in one very small house…and we a had a blast!!

Ok, so obviously I hadn’t yet mastered the FOCUS on my stupid camera!! Hehe anyhoo…
So Monday we took the boys fishin’

Keenan caught one…Brennan caught three..and Liam was too busy posing to catch anything!!! Lol
And today…I’m back to work…in my cube…with too much paperwork…bleh… looking forward to Friday!

LOL…not a very pensive, deep-thinking blog today, but aren’t you glad I took pictures!! hehe
Friday, May 22, 2009
precious memories...
Ok, I have noticed that you are great at documenting life through pictures.
I SUCK at this and I feel like I am missing out on the memories of some fabulous
moments. I have a digital camera. It is never with me! Sometimes I will remember
to buy a disposable if we are at some "life event" but I have probably 20 of
those cameras UNDEVELOPED in my picture tub in the closet! I guess that’s
another fear…what if I take a digital pic and then never take the time to put
them on the computer! What a waste! I have a picture phone and I have
probably 35 pics on it…it’s always full when I go to take another pic, and then
I end up deleting an older pic to make room for the new one…and now that “old”
memory is gone! UGH!!I really wanna work on this...Any ideas!??!! I have no idea where to start!!yeah...honestly, the whole funeral thing is kinda what got me on this kick. I went to a funeral for a 9yo cancer victim...and a high school classmate...and a 28yo suicide victim...And then today I saw the family picture on your facebook from the month before Phil passed away...and it hit me...I mean what if some tragedy befalls our family and I don't have any pictures for the funeral!! I know that is the stupidest thing...but it got to me! I don't want my kids to only remember me by my bad parenting skills, ya know? I don't want my tombstone to read, "Kimberly...she yelled alot...and forgot to take pictures!" ARGH!!
After receiving some encouragement from said friend and cousin, I have become a shutter-flapping, moment-catching, memory-creating, picture-taking FOOL over the past week! And I am having sooooo much fun! AND I'm actually getting the pics from the camera TO the computer and onto this blog and my facebook! I feel so accomplished and productive! YAY ME!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We talked about everything under the sun...which is normal for us because I call her like 5 times a day anyway...but today it was different. Usually we talk about what time she's supposed to pick the boys up or when we're supposed to be at her house for dinner...scheduling type stuff! But today it was different... we talked about what she wants to do when Dad retires in September...they wanna buy a camper and travel all over with the grandkids!!! How cool is that! I had no idea! We talked about her favorite food...and her hobbies...and all kinds of stuff that we've never talked about was different!
Mom and I are both very honey says I am possessed by a "spirit of agenda" and I need to have it driven out of me sometimes!!! lol But was different! Our nail tech was almost an hour late...and they only had ONE of us on the schedule, so the same girl did both of our pedis and manicures...and it took FOUR hours...i missed a homeschool curriculum sale that I have been anxiously waiting to attend...she didn't get the ironing done...
Normally, we both would have been freaking out because our schedule was all messed up...but was different...instead of flippin' out, we went to a little mexican restaurant and sat out on the patio in the sun and ate enchiladas and talked...and...yeah, you guessed it...
It was different...
Thanks mom! I had fun today!
p.s. Pics tomorrow! Yes, I remembered!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Who needs Calgon...?
The destination wasn't exotic. The funds weren't unlimited. The weather wasn't perfect. But we had a most wonderful time together!

pictures of the scenery...